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UAE - city Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi population is about 3.700 thousand people

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Consulate General

Address: Embassies District, Plot 38, Sector W59-02, Street No. 4, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 414 2200

Website: ae.usembassy.gov


Address: Khalid Bin Al Waleed Street, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 610 1100

Website: gov.uk/world/uae


Address: Al Khaleej Al Arabi Street, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 813 1000

Website: ae.ambafrance.org


Address: Villa No. 68, Al Masaood Street, Embassies Area, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 596 7700

Website: uae.diplo.de


Address: Al Nahyan Compound, Villa No. 18, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 443 1971

Website: ambabudhabi.esteri.it


Address: Plot No. 65, Sector W-59, Street No. 8, Al Karama, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 672 1720

Email: rusembuae@mid.ru

Website: https://uae.mid.ru


Address: Villa 124, Street 8, Al Bateen Area, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 633 2568

Email: uae@mfa.gov.by

Website: http://uae.mfa.gov.by


Address: W59-02, Street No. 4, Plot 38, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 694 0300

Website: international.gc.ca


Address: Al Khaleej Al Arabi Street, Embassies Area, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 443 5696

Website: ae.emb-japan.go.jp


Address: Plot No. 10, Sector W-59, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 449 2700

Website: indembassyuae.gov.in


Address: 16th Floor, Al Muhairy Centre, Sheikh Zayed Street, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 401 7500

Website: uae.embassy.gov.au


Address: Villa No. 17, Al Nahyan Compound, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 443 4276

Website: ae.china-embassy.gov.cn


Address: Diplomatic Area, Plot No. 10, Sector W59, Abu Dhabi

Phone: +971 2 491 7224

Website: overseas.mofa.go.kr


Emergency services:

•Police, ambulance, fire department: 999 (General number for any emergency situations)

•Non-emergency police inquiries: 901 (For reporting lost items, minor incidents, and inquiries)

Medical assistance:

•Ambulance: 998 (For medical emergencies)

•Tourist Police Hotline: 800 4888 (Available to assist tourists, including lost items and safety)

•Dubai Health Authority: 800 342 (For consultations and help in finding hospitals or medical centers)

Transport and taxi:

•RTA (Roads and Transport Authority): 800 9090 (For information on metro, buses, and other transport services)

•Dubai Taxi: 04 208 0808


Tourist support:

Information and inquiries:

•General information (Etisalat Directory Assistance): 181 (Helps find phone numbers, addresses, and contact details)

•Tourist Police Hotline: 800 4888 (Available to assist tourists, including lost items and safety)

Banking support:

•UAE Central Bank Hotline: 800 22823

(For lost bank cards, fraud, and other banking issues)

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